
(Over-used cliche saying about Band Camp)

Two days off in a row.  That's what we get, and for once, we're not spending the entire time driving a ridiculously long distance between shows!  It's good to be parked in one comfortable place for a day, and tomorrow the plan is golf!  If you're new to Pop Evil, yes, we are avid golfers.  You can see some of our outings in past tour videos I've put together.  This time, I'm more excited than most because I actually have my own clubs with me now!  I'm really hoping to beat Leigh and Dave tomorrow, but the outcome will depend on my ability to stay relaxed.
Last night at Band Camp, Dave and I were hitting some balls with a 7 iron in this big grassy area next to the busses, and after the turn, dave almost hit one of them.  Shortly before that, a ball was hit into a crowded area, and everyone scattered.  Whoops!  Sorry!
So more on Band Camp!  What a great show!  Aside from the intense sun and heat, there was All That Remains, Anew Revolution, Aranda, Saving Abel, Egypt Central, Clutch, Volbeat and many others!  It was an awesome lineup, and a bit of a tour-family reunion!  Have I mentioned that I love festival season?  First time I've ever seen Volbeat, and I was very impressed!
Dylan made it out to the show as well, it feels like forever since we've seen him and it we've definitely missed him!  I've got some more chest-cam video to edit up for y'all, I'll get to it soon, I promise!  I've got about 15 videos in the waiting line right now, so I'll be busy for a while!
It feels strange to think we'll be playing in Sturgis with Alice Cooper in a week.  It feels like summer has just begun, even though tomorrow is the first day of August.  I'll have some new tour dates for you, soon!  I'm expecting a new itinerary any day now, and when I get it, you'll know!
I think I'm ready for bed, already.  It's been a long day of slip-n-sliding, grilling and relaxing, and we have to do it all over again, tomorrow!  I'm gonna need to get my energy back.  Gnight, everyone, hope y'all had a great weekend!