
Valemont, BC

Today is a monumental day! We've stopped in one of the most beautiful places on Earth, and I can finally say that I've found a spot outside of Michigan that I think I could handle living in!
We're on the road from Edmonton, AB, to Vancouver, BC, and we fried a wheel bearing in the trailer. It just so happens that there was a little repair shop that was able to get us all fixed up and on our way.
While at the shop, Chachi and I took a short hike down the road to this AMAZING little Swiss bakery and I had the best double espresso of my life. Thank you kind-hearted Swiss bakery owner!!
I would give anything for a snowboard right about now. These mountains are calling out to me!
How did everyone's Halloween go? We spent the night in Edmonton, at the wold's largest mall, or so they say. There was a gigiantic waterpark inside, and ice skating rink, an amusement park, an aquarium with sea lions and penguins and more! The selection of stores and the food court could have been a little better, I feel, but whatevs...
Vancouver is the final stop of this tour, then after we head back to the States for a show in Spokane, WA, then we're dropping the guys off at the airport for the very first visit to Europe!
Things are starting to wind down for the end of the year, a lot of writing and scheduling out studio time is in the works. We're very excited to get a new album out! Believe me, it will be awesome!

Welp, I'm going to coach Chachi int he creation of a new blog! Stay tuned!
Happy November, and be safe out there, y'all!