I'm home for a wedding tomorrow, we'll see how that pans out...
The bus is in the shop in Holland getting all fixed up, and the band is in Youngstown, OH tonight. Tomorrow, they'll be at Val du Lakes Bar and Grille, about 6 miles away from where I am right now. We might have a wedding afterparty with the kids. Who knows.
So for the good stuff...
At the end of the trip, we played the show in Ft. Wayne, IN, with Hurt and Candlebox. I totally made an ass out of myself with some of the guys from Candlebox because I thought they were stage hands. Whoops! I had an 18" corn dog and some ice cold budweisers, and then we went to the bar afterwards and I got drunk with the guitarist from Hurt. Let's hear it for jagerbombs!
Sunday night, the show in Jackson, MI was a lot of fun. A few of the home crowd people showed up, and had a good old fashioned drunkfest. That continued at the hotel afterwards.
Monday our buddies Egypt Central will be in Grand Rapids, so we're gonna go se them, and then take a short tour with them before we head out to wherever we're going. I don't remember at the moment where the next stop is.