
The Black Hills and Four Forefathers

[I had this whole nice blog typed out, and when I went to go get the video link, for some reason it logged me out and when I posted it, everything was erased!  GAH!  At least part of it was saved up until the TV link]
Looking out the window of the bus right now, I see some campers and what looks like a pole barn with the word "BUFF" on it.  If I lean to my left, I can see that it actually says "BUFFALO CHIP," but I think I'll stick with my first glance because it makes me giggle.
Unfortunately for someone on the way in, we saw a bike in minor shambles, looking like it had been laid down on some gravelly pavement.  Ouch!  I send my condolences to whom ever that may be.
This morning we stopped at Mount Rushmore, a place I've wanted to visit since first hearing about it at a young age, when ever that was.  Although there were some mixed feelings about the size of the monument from the driver's seat, I was definitely in awe of such a huge accomplishment, as well as the natural beauty of the surrounding landscape.  I definitely hope at some point we will be able to stop back for a longer period of time and get to go hiking on the trails all around.
For those who haven't seen it yet, go check out my new tour video (#16) right now, and then come back and finish reading.
Back?  Okay, good!
Word on the street is that it's getting a little chilly outside, and I think I may have to dig out one of my hoodies or jackets for an evening stroll.  I might even put on shoes!  Oh my!  Last I heard, it was 67 and dropping.
So yesterday we were lucky enough to be invited out on a boat in Minnesota, and it was a beautiful day to be out.  I lost a pair of cheap sunglasses somewhere in the murky abyss, and with the help of some goggles and our nifty little waterproof GoPro Hero camera, I spend many minutes scouring the bottom for them.  I was unsuccessful, unless you count the many beer cans and Sony Xplod receiver faceplate that I came up with.  I like to think of them as bonus items.  If you lost that faceplate in whatever lake it was that we were in, I'm sorry, but it probably doesn't work anymore.
Soon after, we were engulfed by a school of ravenous sunfish, nibbling at our toes and hopelessly staring us down (or up, as physics require.)  I've got some nifty video of that too, although not quite Discovery Channel quality, I like to think it's pretty good considering what I had to work with.
After a few hours of floating, sinking and burning, we cruised over to Lord Fletcher's Old Lake Lodge for some dinner.  I gingerly enjoyed a burger while my coarse tshirt rubbed against my sunkissed flesh, then it was back to the bus for me to finish the releasing process of previously mentioned TV16.
Alrighty, the great outdoors is calling my name, so I must wander.  Have a great weekend, everyone!  Catch ya on the flipside.