
That Orangey Time of Year

How busy have I been??  Let me tell you!
Crazy busy!
Since my last post, we've crossed the country a couple more times with 5 Finger Death Punch, Killswitch Engage, Trivium, Emmure, God Forbid and Battlecross.  Yet another great tour in the books!  We were a little nervous going into it, not knowing what to expect as it was a bit heavier of a scene than we were used to.  But contrary to our fears, both the crowds as well as the other bands really embraced us and we were sad to part ways.  Night after night of arena shows and shenanigans and memories made and some really cool video that you all will get to see soon!
Which brings me to my next topic.  Purple.  As the 4th and final single from War of Angels, we decided to take a look back at the trip at some of our favorite unseen footage in such a way as to tell the story of our journey throughout the album cycle.  After slaving away for weeks and weeks, I'm proud to say that the video was finalized yesterday and now the distribution process begins!
If you've been to a show in the last few months, you may have noticed someone other than myself at the merch table.  Our newest partner in crime, the lovely Miss Koolaid Chocolate, or "KC" as she is commonly known from exotic Dallas, TX, joined us back in July, adding another facet to our already unique crew.  Sadly, she has returned home during our downtime and we miss her dearly!  But what can ya do during time off?
Upcoming now in the Autumn months, we're going to head to the great territory to the north on our very first Cross-Canadian tour with Black Label Society!  I'm looking forward to Halloween in Edmonton!  I'm still working on costume ideas, even though it was my goal to start planning in April.  That seems to be my plan every single year, yet it never happens.  Oh well, I best get busy!  Only 3 weeks to go!!
The smell of burning wood was in the air last night, added to the stunning kaleidoscope of fall colors in the midwestern woodlands always brings a sense of warm coziness in the cool breezy evenings, and it's a sign that hot cocoa season is upon us!  I've got to dig out my ginormous box of swiss miss and get to work!  FOOTBALL TIME!!!